Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de censor

to censorcensurar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I censoryo censuro
you censortú censuras
he censorsél censura
she censorsella censura
we censornosotros censuramos
you censorvosotros censuráis
they censorellos censuran
they censorellas censuran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I censoredyo censuré
you censoredtú censuraste
he censoredél censuró
she censoredella censuró
we censorednosotros censuramos
you censoredvosotros censurasteis
they censoredellos censuraron
they censoredellas censuraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have censoredyo he censurado
you have censoredtú has censurado
he has censoredél ha censurado
she has censoredella ha censurado
we have censorednosotros hemos censurado
you have censoredvosotros habéis censurado
they have censoredellos han censurado
they have censoredellas han censurado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had censoredyo había censurado
you had censoredtú habías censurado
he had censoredél había censurado
she had censoredella había censurado
we had censorednosotros habíamos censurado
you had censoredvosotros habíais censurado
they had censoredellos habían censurado
they had censoredellas habían censurado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will censoryo censuraré
you will censortú censurarás
he will censorél censurará
she will censorella censurará
we will censornosotros censuraremos
you will censorvosotros censuraréis
they will censorellos censurarán
they will censorellas censurarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have censoredyo habré censurado
you will have censoredtú habrás censurado
he will have censoredél habrá censurado
she will have censoredella habrá censurado
we will have censorednosotros habremos censurado
you will have censoredvosotros habréis censurado
they will have censoredellos habrán censurado
they will have censoredellas habrán censurado

I would censoryo censuraría
you would censortú censurarías
he would censorél censuraría
she would censorella censuraría
we would censornosotros censuraríamos
you would censorvosotros censuraríais
they would censorellos censurarían
they would censorellas censurarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have censoredyo habría censurado
you would have censoredtú habrías censurado
he would have censoredél habría censurado
she would have censoredella habría censurado
we would have censorednosotros habríamos censurado
you would have censoredvosotros habríais censurado
they would have censoredellos habrían censurado
they would have censoredellas habrían censurado

Participio presenteAnotado
censoring censurando

Participio pasadoAnotado
censored censurado

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